No Approval Needed to Shine

With the finish line in sight, I've been jumping up and down at folks -- sometimes literally -- about how excited I am. This project is so close to my heart, and only a handful of people have heard it during the years it took up residence in my life. With only a couple more weeks before I have the CDs in hand, I couldn't resist putting some tracks on MySpace.
Because I'd only received positive feedback thus far, I was caught off guard when a friend told Emily he wasn't sure what to make of the songs. I always knew such a day would come -- I'd pictured myself reading a review, pondering how I'd feel if the person was underwhelmed -- I just hadn't expected it so soon, or from this particular source.
But the surprise of it was a gift. It reminded me to hold on to the joy I feel when I listen to the songs. Even just talking about the project, I'm at my most grounded, powerful, and present. I glow. This friend's reaction -- which I know came with absolutely no ill will -- reminded me to prepare for the next phase of the album's existence.
Fate conspired today to take me to Grace Cathedral. I knew that walking the labyrinth would provide a perfect opportunity to learn how protect my heart going forward, not by building a wall around it but by strengthening that inner glow. As I walked the twists and turns in the sunshine, I sought a way to remain grounded in the profound creativity I'd been privileged to experience.
What I discovered in that labyrinth is that my soul doesn't need anyone's approval to shine. Not even mine.
Do I hope people enjoy the album? Of course. I hope it's wildly successful and heard far and wide. In the end, though, my dearest wishes have already come true: the music simply thrills me.
I still have fingers crossed that my friend will appreciate the album once he hears it in its entirety, rather than a few tracks out of context. But if not, that's okay, too -- perhaps his soul just resonates differently from mine. All I can do is send my flare up and enjoy the fireworks, however many voices join me in marveling at the show in the night sky.
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